… where you will find Rev. Xolani Kacela’s books, podcast, and blog, as well as resources for your journey.

I’m Xolani “xk” Kacela, Ph.D., author of both non-fiction and children’s fiction. My latest book, Stop Anxiety In Its Tracks, is available where you buy books online. Order your copy now!
Listen to the introductory chapter here.
The audio version of Stop Anxiety In Its Tracks is available on the following platforms:
I’m a Unitarian Universalist minister, a New Mexico Air National Guard chaplain, and a former radio program host. You can access archived episodes of my former weekly radio program, Take On Faith, on this website by clicking here.
Visit the First Unitarian Church of San Jose webpage to listen to my sermons.

Hi, I’m Xolani Kacela, Ph.D., a creative, just like you. On this site, I share my own lessons from my journey.
I don’t claim to have all the answers. But I do know how to write a good book and tell a good story. I also know how to use the gifts and graces I’ve been blessed and born with. I’m willing to share all I know with you.
How do you simplify your creative process?
Here’s how I do it.
It begins with getting down my thoughts on the page using the Word dictation function. I speak my main ideas right into the computer mic.
I use a variety of writing tools, or apps, that help refine my writing. I’m a big proponent of ProWritingAid, a paid app. I also use Grammarly and Ginger. Both are free.
If you want to improve your writing, I strongly suggest these tools.
You’ll benefit from two other things. Hire an editor who will review your work. Then hire experts who specialize in the various aspects of your project.
If you accept these suggestions, you’ll discover creativity to be a lot more fun.
If you want to search the site, use the search box below.