Dealing with Fear, Anxiety, and Anger
Take On Faith – September 18, 2021
Dealing with fear, anxiety, and anger requires disciplined spirituality and commitment to your values. During the show, Rev. Xolani Kacela, host of Take On Faith, discusses some of the challenges churches faced and still face during the pandemic.
Rev. Xolani Kacela goes solo on this episode of Take On Faith.
Importantly, Kacela explores the struggles to build on-line community amid fear, anxiety, and anger. Kacela builds upon his Unitarian Universalist practice.
Also, he explores the spiritual practice called reconciliation. He attributes the practice to the African American mystic and spiritual teacher, Howard Thurman.
During this solo episode, Kacela shares an intimate story from his past about attempting reconciliation. He discusses the risks we encounter pursuing honest relationships in an era of great division.
Enjoy a very personal talk and discover ways for taking your spirituality to the next level.
Tune by clicking the link below.
Excerpt from Jumpstart Your Allyship on interrogating your feelings
In the episode, Rev. XK addresses the need to confront and interrogate your feelings. Here is an excerpt from his latest book, Jumpstart Your Allyship, which covers the topic in detail.
It is important to acknowledge and accept uncomfortable feelings, knowing that they represent something tangible in your experience. But, first, you need to determine what those feelings represent. Lean into them until you have answers. Once you nail down what caused your feelings, you can confront your history and move into your new self-image.
(This work may involve you beginning a relationship with a culturally competent mental health provider. Either way, you will need to confront your feelings and find a resolution to be an effective, reliable ally.)