Take On Faith – April 9, 2022
Stephani Grace – Creating Real Happiness
Stephani Grace is an author, motivational speaker, therapist and mindfulness expert. Her book, Creating Real Happiness A to Z: A Mindful Guide to Discovering, Loving, and Accepting Your True Self, comes out on May 1 on the O books imprint. She joined host Xolani Kacela for Take On Faith on KTAL-LP 101.5 in Las Cruces.

Stephani talked about ways to be in touch with the body. She opened up about being aware to overcome things society teaches that need to be unlearned. She shared how love and self-love form the ground for experiencing true happiness.
BOOK LINK: https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/o-books/our-books/creating-real-happiness-a-z
You can reach Stephani Grace at hello@stephanigrace.com, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
From Author’s Website:
I didn’t have parents who were capable of loving me. My biological father was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and when I was two years old, he decided to leave my mother. This caused her to flee to Las Vegas and abandon my two older sisters and me, leaving us with my father and his new girlfriend (who would soon become his wife). I only saw my mother briefly two different times during the next five years. My dad and his new wife were deep into their addictions, so I endured a life of neglect and a lack of love. My two older sisters assumed the majority of my care, but they were not equipped to care for me as they were children themselves. They have told me that they were haunted by my being alone in my crib, wailing for human contact that first year. This set the stage for me in terms of learning that my needs were not important and that I was not worthy of love or care.