Jumpstart Your Allyship VideoChat
Think Again – September 28, 2021
This video follows up on our in-studio conversation on Think Again, broadcast on KTAL-LP FM 101.5.
This Jumpstart Your Allyship VideoChat presents a real-life conversation between two persons with opposing ideas. Watch them strive for common ground, and therefore, allyship. The two men, Randy Harris and Xolani “xk” Kacela, discuss the pros and cons Zoom meetings. They contrast Zoom with in-person meetings.
As a viewer, we hope you discover merit in the approach we take, which comes from the book, Jumpstart Your Allyship, by Xolani. We offer this videochat as an example of allyship in action.
What To Look For In The Video
We hope the videochat demonstrates two guys, one African American and one White. They have different backgrounds and views. Yet, they hash out an important issue with respect for each other.
Together, the two guys jumpstart their allyship.
Notice how “xk” kept it 100 by asking Randy a difficult question about whether he’s approaching Zoom meetings like “a Neanderthal.” That question demonstrated interrogating Randy’s status honestly. In order to make that move, “xk” overrode his fear factor. Often, prevents people from getting real with each other.
Next, Randy responded to “xk’s” challenging and personal question without getting defensive. He answered openly and sincerely, thus, moving the conversation and allyship in a positive direction.
Your Challenge
Take time to rewatch the video. What do you notice the second time? Can you imagine yourself engaging in a similar conversation with a BIPOC over a difficult topic? Where might you begin? With whom do you wish you were an ally?
Bottom line: It’s up to you to keep it 100!
You can reach Randy Harris at rharris27@hotmail.com and xk at xk@revdrxk.com.

You can purchase the book, Jumpstart Your Allyship by clicking this link.
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