Gifts from the Devastation
Take On Faith – March 26, 2022
Celine O’Donovan joins us to discuss her book Gifts from the Devastation. She wrote the book following her bout with breast cancer and the aftermath, which she described as a spiritual experience. O’Donovan joined us from Galway, Ireland.

Celine discussed the stresses that led up to her journey, the fear that she lived with, and how getting in touch with her creator resulted in great peace. Host Xolani Kacela welcomed her to Take On Faith on KTAL-LP in Las Cruces, NM.
You can reach Celine O’Donovan through her linktree:
From Guest’s Website:
Read on to find out the story behind the book and a short extract that I hope you enjoy.
A few readers also share their feedback with you!!
If I were to sum up the overall message of the book in a few sentences, it is that all life experiences, especially the difficult ones, are here to help us grow into the fullest version of ourselves. As difficult as it can be at times, life really is unfolding for our highest good.
My experience with breast cancer taught me this. It has been a journey marked by many ups and downs but I wouldn’t change a moment of it. Although life still has its challenges, I have never felt a greater sense of meaning and purpose. It has awoken me to my true nature and brought me to a place of deep, inner contentment that is beyond compare.
I hope that by sharing my story, it will prompt you to embark on your own journey of growth and expansion. I hope it will help you reframe difficult experiences and provide you with more supportive and empowering ways of relating to life. Ultimately, I hope you discover your inner power, speak your truth and shine brightly as the highest version of yourself.
In the book I take you on my personal journey – from getting the life-changing news that I had cancer, to surrendering to it and ultimately choosing a path of transformation. It taught me that despite the inevitable pain that comes with growth, life really is happening for us, not to us.
When we shift to this perspective, we have a totally different experience of life, we see through our conditioning and limiting beliefs. We become stronger and more anchored in our inner power. We no longer live as victims. Instead we realize that we are powerful creators of our reality.
Then there is no stopping us! That is my wish for you.