Dr. Matthew Welsh – Spiritual Media Blog
Take On Faith – July 17, 2021
Dr. Matthew Welsh founded the Spiritual Media Blog, which hosts interviews and resources for readers and communities. He joined host Rev. Xolani Kacela for a lively conversation on Take On Faith on KTAL-LP 101.5.
Dr. Welsh shared his story of leaving his law career, earning a Ph.D. in psychology, and going into practice. He also sees patients at the Veteran Affairs Center in Indianapolis. Importantly, the interview covered how mental health and spirituality merge.

Surprisingly, Matt Welsh revealed half of his blog’s content is targeted to people seeking resources for a better life. Most of his guests practice non-traditional spirituality. Dr. Welsh shared how writing his novel helped him deal with important life issues and discover his purpose.
You can contact Dr. Matt Welsh at editor@spiritualmediablog.com.
From Guest’s Website:
Dr. Matthew Welsh J.D., Ph.D. is the founder of Spiritual Media Blog. After graduating from law school Dr. Welsh created Spiritual Media Blog to be a source of inspirational content, media, and entertainment. He began his career in Hollywood working for an entertainment agency, the William Morris Agency, and then as a trial lawyer for the Department of Child Services in Indiana. He realized that he was not happy working as a lawyer. So, he quit his job as a lawyer to pursue his calling to become a psychologist and obtained his PhD in Psychology. He now works as a full-time clinical psychologist. For more information about his private coaching and counseling practice, please visit https://drmatthewwelsh.com.
Dr. Welsh has presented inspirational lectures on how to create a meaningful career to venues across the country including the San Diego Convention Center, international not-for-profit organization Dress For Success, and the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of The Bottom Line, a novel about a young man in college learning how to overcome the male ego. He has also appeared in film as a featured guest for the Spiritual Cinema Circle DVD club, alongside Stephen Simon, producer of Academy Award winning film, What Dreams May Come. His podcast has featured conversations with thought-leaders including Neale Donald Walsch, Arielle Ford, James Redfield (Author of Celestine Prophecy) and William Arntz (Director of What the Bleep Do We Know?).